Canvas Medical is Helping Primary Care Doctors Practice Better by Re-Imagining the EMR

Canvas Medical is also a Stride client.

What was the problem?

Canvas Medical’s team was spending too much time keeping up with the books and producing financial reports. Not only was this not the Canvas expertise but it was inefficient, with a lot of checking and double-checking. Canvas Medical chose to work with Stride in particular after talking with a few different firms. It was clear Stride had a durable process and was skilled in building tailored engagements; everything Canvas Medical needed and nothing they didn’t.

Find out how Stride can tailor an engagement to just what you need for your stage of growth.

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No, I’d rather spend time on bookkeeping than driving new sales

Bringing Process to Streamline Operations

What did we do?
Stride stepped in at a time when the CEO was losing confidence and trust in the books.  We documented process, cleaned up the historical work and put in systems that gave the CEO access and insight into what we were doing for the business.  We approached Canvas as a partner and even though the scope has changed a bit, we aren’t trying to squeeze out more fees.  Our goal is for Canvas Medical to build momentum in its core business and know that we’ll be there every step of the way.


Today’s result
Canvas Medical has experienced three big wins from our partnership so far:


  1. None of their operators need to spend time on accounting, allowing them to focus on tasks they excel in
  2. Invoices are going out correctly and on time
  3. Peace of mind knowing their financial statements are correct
All of this means the Canvas Medical team is focused on the highest and best use of our time with clear visibility.

Helping an Innovative Digital Health Company Focus on Improving Healthcare, Not the Back Office.

Fill out the form if you are looking for partner with full stack capabilities that can support all levels of back office accounting and bookkeeping needs, from capturing and classifying the right data, to analyzing and acting on it.