

Streetlight Data

Streetlight Data is bringing big data transportation and mobility analytics to help find solutions that will change the way that people move.

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What was the problem?

Streetlight was using various cloud applications for expense reimbursement and bill pay but the systems weren’t optimized to flow through the general ledger automatically. We solved that. We also coordinate the data flow between the Human Resource Information System and the accounting system (QuickBooks) so that data did not have to be entered multiple times.

Breaking Out Division Level Performance While Applying Financial Analysis and Coaching

What did we do?

Streetlight was using various cloud applications for expense reimbursement and bill pay but the systems weren’t optimized to flow through the general ledger automatically. We solved that. We also coordinate the data flow between the Human Resource Information System and the accounting system (QuickBooks) so that data did not have to be entered multiple times.

Today’s result

Streetlight Data has raised over $30MM but has an incredibly lean internal team. Combining the back office accounting and HR services under a single umbrella vendor created a win for Matt and for the organization. All back office systems report into a single reporting application and Stride has enabled employee access to systems that keep them informed about employee and benefits related matters.
“Stride took a lot of pressure off of me because they manage accounting, reimbursement, payroll, vacation tracking, and more. It’s like night and day for us. We are in a better position to take on growth.”
Matt Orfuss,
VP Finance, Streetlight Data

Find out how Stride can help you focus on growth