Podcast: Using Behavioral Science to Drive Successful Marketing

In this episode of Stride 2 Freedom, we had a chance to talk to Shirin Oreizy, Founder and CEO of Next Step Marketing. There are few people I admire as much as Shirin Oreizy! She is an electrical engineer turned marketing maven that fused together these two disciplines by using behavioral science to drive results. […]

In this episode of Stride 2 Freedom, we had a chance to talk to Shirin Oreizy, Founder and CEO of Next Step Marketing. There are few people I admire as much as Shirin Oreizy! She is an electrical engineer turned marketing maven that fused together these two disciplines by using behavioral science to drive results. After 16 years of building Next Step Marketing, Shirin has clarity on her business that is both inspiring and infectious.

This episode touches on a bunch of really cool behavioral science techniques (sometimes referred to as behavioral economics) to accommodate our perfectly irrational brains. If marketing is designed to influence action, behavioral science is the rocket fuel to drive the results. We also speak about the fantastic book Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely.

Who should I interview next? Please let me know by clicking here.

Shirin Oreizy
Shirin Oreizy


In this Freedom Speaker Series episode with Shirin Oreizy, you will learn:


  • The definition and impact of Behavioral Science on marketing
  • The primary behavioral science principles at play in a downturn
  • Key marketing strategies to employ during COVID-19
  • How Next Step’s team is adapting to the new “work from home” environment

Show Notes:
Next Step Website
Behavioral Economics Defined
Book: Predictably Irrational by Dan Arielly

We are fortunate to have Shirin available to spend time with us on this edition of Stride 2 Freedom. If there is a speaker you’d like us to interview, click here and let us know. Stay well. Stay safe. Stay healthy.

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