Picture yourself making a sales pitch in a Zoom call. Feel your palms get sweaty and hear yourself say “um” and “uh” over and over as your bored clients shut their cameras off or mute their mics in the middle of your presentation. Then wince as you see yourself fumbling for a non-cringey way to end the call without looking or sounding awkward.
Does any of this scenario sound familiar? If so, then you might be losing sales because you can’t keep your clients’ attention.
The good news is, if you’re struggling to craft a winning virtual sales pitch, it’s easier than you think. You just need to change your mindset on a few things, starting with the fact that virtual meetings are completely different from in-person meetings.
Why Isn’t Pitching Virtually The Same As Pitching In Person?
You might think that Zoom and other virtual meeting programs were designed so that we could copy and paste our in-person meetings online. Well, it’s not that straightforward.
First, it’s hard to know where to look during a virtual meeting. Should you be watching the camera lens? The individual screenshots of your clients? In the struggle to find point of visual contact, the human element of in-person elements often gets lost.
Another struggle is knowing how much time you should spend talking. In person, it’s easier for clients to stay focused because they are present in the moment. But through a speaker, your voice might sound like a drone that they lose interest in partway through your pitch. If you lose clients’ attention, you lose sales.
Finally, when you’re pitching a sales idea to a room full of clients, you’re free to use slide presentations or a whiteboard. In a virtual meeting, these aids merely serve to distract and bore the person on the other end of the call. You have to get your point across quickly without a lot of moving parts.
Is it possible to fix all these issues? The answer is, yes, if you listen to the “sales whisperer” (our title, not his), Nitya Kirat.
Who Is Nitya Kirat?
Nitya Kirat is the founder of YOSD Consulting and the author of the Amazon bestseller, Winning Virtually. He’s also the “sales whisperer” – or at least, we think so.
Nitya’s main schtick is to help business owners and entrepreneurs figure out how to make or improve virtual sales. His secret weapon for virtual sales meetings is simple: maintain the human connection.
For example, he suggests that instead of talking throughout the entire presentation, you should pass the “mic”, so to speak, to the clients. Get a conversation flowing to keep everyone awake and engaged.
He also recommends that you avoid using slides and screen sharing as much as possible. Slides often contain redundant information that you’re already telling the client. According to Nitya, with a slide or a screen share “… you’ve taken away any early human connection or rapport-building by a slide that adds zero value.”

Through Nitya’s expert guidance, shared both on the podcast and his fantastic book, Stride 2 Freedom listeners will learn how to embrace the world of virtual interaction without losing the human element.
In this Podcast episode with Nitya, you will learn:
- Why being an expert virtual salesperson is so crucial to your business’s success in 2021
- How approaching virtual meetings differently from in-person meetings can increase your sales
- How small changes on your part can fix all your virtual meeting issues
This Stride Live Webinar is hosted by Stride Services. Stride is a comprehensive financial solutions provider, specializing in outsourced bookkeeping, accounting, tax, and advisory services for Managed Service Providers.
If you’re interested in being a featured guest on our Live Webinars or if there’s a subject matter expert you’d like us to interview, please let us know!
Show Notes + Transcript:
Nitya Kirat LinkedIn
YOSD Consulting
Winning Virtually
Nitya Kirat Email
Webinar Transcript:
Corporate Transparency Act and the resulting Beneficial Ownership Reporting requirements_transcript