Stride VHO: Employees vs. Contractors

Accurate worker classification is essential for legal compliance and strategic business success.

Hey everyone.  Thank you so much for such a great Virtual Office Hours on Wednesday, December 19th.  David Cook from Sovereign Legal Group helped us wade through the complexity of what constitutes a contractor vs. an employee.  On the call, we learned the following:

  1. What are the rules around being a contractor vs. employee?
  2. What to do if you are operating outside the guidelines?
  3. What are ways to structure agreements, so you are protected?

We have an active group asking a lot of good questions.  It is not an easy topic but it is important to understand.  Why?  Because how you set up your agreements today will have impact downstream when you are raising money, selling the business, or exposing yourself to third party reviews.  It is best to set up your contractor and employee relationships the right way from the start.

You can view the presentation from Dave below.

Enjoy!  Keep looking out for future Virtual Office Hours.  We are excited to bring content to you that will you achieve financial freedom and move your business forward faster!


Happy Holidays.





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