Russell Benaroya, Stride Partner

Speaker Bio

Russell began his career on Wall Street after graduating from UCSB with dual degrees in accounting and economics. Shifting his focus to entrepreneurship, he went on to receive his MBA from the Anderson School of Management at UCLA. He has spent the last twenty years investing in private equity and as a healthcare entrepreneur, building and exiting two start-ups. In addition, he is a former Techstars graduate and a longtime member of EO (The Entrepreneurs’ Organization).

Russell’s genius zone is helping business owners achieve financial freedom. He is an experienced and strategic coach to entrepreneurs, with an emphasis in financial strategy, capital raising and organizational development. He shares his knowledge with both individual clients and groups, and previously instructed a course on healthcare entrepreneurship at the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business.

Russell is also a partner at Stride, an outsourced bookkeeping, accounting and HR services firm. Stride provides a broad range of back office services with an emphasis on automation and data analytics to unlock efficiency and actionable insight to drive growth and profitability. Stride knows first hand the challenges that service business owners have with finance.

When he’s not working on Stride, you can find him striding in the mountains pursuing his passion as an ultra distance trail runner. Russell currently is living in Seattle and leads Stride’s client acquisition initiatives.

Past Speaking Engagements

Russell is an entrepreneur’s entrepreneur and has shared his experiences in business and life with dynamic organizations including the Entrepreneurs’ Organization, Techstars, Health 2.0, and StartUp Week Seattle. Most recently, Russell was interviewed on the Work Hard Play Hard podcast and spoke on his experiences living with his family abroad and building Stride.


Russell led a terrific financial workshop for the Entrepreneurs' Organization and Entrepreneurs' Organization Accelerator program. The purpose was to help entrepreneurs better understand their financial statements and make better business decisions. He was able to take a topic that is difficult to present and make it engaging, fun, and actionable. I would highly recommend that other EO chapters and any organization of business owners bring in Russell to lead a session on how to get control of the financial levers of your business
Cory Levenberg
EO San Francisco
Russell helped me pull off the impossible - plan a last-minute full-fledged strategic board offsite complete with information gathering beforehand, in a bold move to reset strategic priorities and facilitate team dynamics. He immediately went straight to the key data, asked the perfect focused questions of management, and designed a fun and interactive day that brought the board and management together and resulted in a concrete strategy playbook that is currently being executed upon.
Holli Harris
Interim CEO, Behavioral Tech
Russell is an amazing speaker and teacher. In his session with us, he was knowledgeable and roused even the most hesitant student to join in with enthusiasm. What Russell had to teach was so vitally important, but for your typical entrepreneur (myself included), a trip to the dentist would have been preferable to having to digest unit economics. However, Russell engaged with his energy and preparation and made this vitally important topic so much for fun to learn!
Lisa Nguyen
Entrepreneurs' Organization Accelerator - Orange County
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