Stay Free: The Power of Controlling Your Financial Levers.

Entrepreneurship is about freedom.  Freedom to chart your course, to be a creator, to imagine what is possible.  The reality of entrepreneurship also requires that the foundational support structures get put in place to keep you in that place of freedom where you feel most alive, where you get energy, where you make impact.


Stay Free:  The Power of Controlling Your Financial Levers is a session designed to get you reconnected to the elements of your machine that drive your cash flow and profitability, the lubrication necessary for your unbridled energy.  No one expects you to get yourself mired into the details of accounting but understanding the questions to ask and how to interpret the responses is a requirement.

Russell Benaroya

Russell Benaroya was a longtime EO member with a steeped career in investment banking, venture investing and entrepreneurship.  Today Russell is a co-founder at Stride, an outsourced bookkeeping and accounting firm, where they work with clients to help them manage the heartbeat of the inflows and outflows of the business.  You can learn more about Russell’s background here.

Join Us!

Join Russell as we talk about getting control of the financial levers and helping you build a plan to prioritize where you can make an impact quickly.  Freedom is movement and entrepreneurship is about taking action.  Let’s move with more confidence.

Join Russell Benaroya us where we share our current thinking and recommendations.

Register Today!

3pm – 5pm PT

Date:  September 14, 2020

Discussion Highlights

We will discuss a variety of topics include:

  1. Clarity on Key Terms you Need to Know
  2. Unit Economics and Why they Matter
  3. The 5 Levers of Cash Flow and Profit
  4. Tools to Take Action

I would love to hear what you are interested.  Please submit your questions or ideas here in advance:

    Who should attend?

    Entrepreneurs that are motivated to work “on their business” that look at their company like a machine that they want to consistently upgrade and fine tune so it can run without them as a cog in the wheel.

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